Swati Sharma

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Lekhny composition -27-Nov-2022 (My Father)

Daily writing competition:-

My Father:-

             My father is a great man. He is the first Man, who came in my life; when I opened my eyes at the time of my birth. He is the first man, who gives me care, love and support. He always taught me to be a human first. Honesty, loyalty, good character, morality and many more things, I get from him. He always teaches me to analyse myself first before raising question on others. Because of his self analysis techniques I becomes able to improved myself on daily basis. In fact, still I am learning many things from him. He teaches how to live my life fullest. He always trying to make me strongest. He always pushes me to reach at my best version. His life style always inspires me. He always teaches me to be kind and compassionate. He gives me wings to fly high, higher and highest.
              He always teaches me the concept of self love and to take care of myself. He teaches me to face each and every situation and handle different kinds of people calmly. Whenever, I asked for money I need. He never questioned me why I need that. He trust me and my capabilities a lot. I know a Father cannot show his love to his children but we can feel that by his actions. I noticed whenever someone Praises me. He is the most proudest person that I can feel his feelings through the sparkles in his eyes.
             We also can't express our love to our fathers. Today I get this chance to write something for him. But I know, I can't write for him. Because my words are not so sufficient to explain him.
              I ended up it by writing last but not the least that I can't repay the debt of what he did and is doing for Me. I can only say I am the luckiest and blessed and proudest daughter of the Universe, who got you as blessings in disguise. "I love you Papa" and will do till my last breath. I believe, One I will definitely make you feel proud.


Abhinav ji

29-Nov-2022 08:08 AM

Very nice


Swati Sharma

29-Nov-2022 09:34 AM

Thank you Sir


Abhilasha deshpande

27-Nov-2022 09:48 PM

Very nice


Swati Sharma

27-Nov-2022 09:49 PM

Thank you ma'am
